SPACE 2024 del 17 al 19 de septiembre

Looking back on 2006

SPACE 2006: Planet Livestock

20th edition

1 240 exhibitors of which 293 international

107 147 visitors of which 8 671 international coming from 118 countries

Exhibition area: 52 091 m² 

Outstanding events of the year


The French Genetic Show: 5 bulls, very important for the Holstein breed were displayed on the main ring (Jocko, Negundo, Melkior...)


Official visit:

Dominique BUSSEREAU - Minister of Agriculture

Minister of Breeding of Senegal

Ministre des Ressources Animales du Burkina Faso

But also...

20th edition: a medal is  médaille est remise à chaque exposant

Profile of international visitors : 68% coming from Europe, 17% from Africa, 8% from Asia, 6% from Americas and 1 % from Oceania 

SPACE leaflets translated in 17 languages: german, arabic, english, spanish, french, hungarian, italian, dutch, polish, russian, czech, japanese, chinese, latvian, lithuanian, estonian and bulgarian

Charolais National competition (90 animals displayed): will to highlight more beef breeds

Pictures of SPACE 2006